Local people are often the most important guardians of the nature that surrounds them. But they frequently have little contact with scientists working towards the same conservation goals. We consolidate healthcare, education, and scientific research in field stations which also act as community centers, in order to close the gap between rural locals and the government and social power structures in cities. This involves the people who it affects in scientific research, and ensures science is communicated where it matters most. Our projects provide locals with the agency and ability to protect their environment and lead the lives they want to lead into the future.
The Juara Foundation began in 2009 with efforts to help rural communities in the Brazilian Pantanal gain access to schools and healthcare. Our team today has a wide variety of experience in science, engineering, education, law, and the arts. We've worked with rural communities, government regulators, and scientific regulators, and know first hand how to understand problems from each of these perspectives. All of these interests must come together to break down barriers to education, healthcare, justice, and arts access, and to make successful conservation possible. To learn more about our philosophy and observations, see our blog and publications.
Our projects combine sustainable technology and ecology research with outreach components to help fund and improve conditions at rural schools and health clinics. We connect community members with scientists, university students, and decision makers in government. It is a fundamental component of our work that we return to the same places and people year after year to establish reliable, lasting relationships. Much of our work is co-sponsored by University of Michigan student research, and all our work happens at the request of and in partnership with local communities and NGOs. To learn more about specific projects, visit our projects database.
The Juara Foundation could not function without the insight, planning, and financial support of many people. Find out how to get involved!